John Daly Margaret Price Bill Titley Bob Llewelyn Herbie Bowden Shirley Hadley Fern Baggot
Welcome to the Wrekin and District Short Mat Bowling League
The next League meeting for the 2024/25 season will be held at the Maddocks Sports & Social Club at 9.30 am Tuesday 11th March 2025. Named officers and at least one representative from each club should attend. Proposals and nominations for the AGM on Friday 11th April should be submitted at or before the meeting. The Cup and Shield trophies must be returned at or before this meeting.
Finals of Cup and Shield will be played Wednesday 12th March at the St George's venue. 13:00 start. Cup and shield finals to be played simultaneously. Tea, coffee and cakes for sale. Please bring raffle prizes.
Any problems contact Bob Llewelyn (Website Manager and acting Fixtures Secretary).
It is with great sadness we've heard that Bob Hickman has passed away. Bob was captain of the Park Lane 'A' side. He always made the effort to attend the monthly league meetings and his help and advice was appreciated by all. We offer sincere condolences to his wife Chris and other family and friends. Chris has organised a 'Celebration of Life' at the Maddocks club on Thursday 13th March at 3.00 pm.