Wirral Crown Green Bowling Association 2024

Secretary / Treasurer President Chairman Vice Chairman Competition Secretary
 Roy Cooke  John Crowther Peter Fishwick   Vacant Roy Cooke




Kye Gorman is the Registrar for Merseyside County Crown Green Bowling Association and will now issue all BCGBA Membership Cards. Any requests for a BCGBA Membership Card can be sent to Kye at the address detailed on the BCGBA Membership Application form and should be accompanied with a cheque made payable to Merseyside CCGBA. A Membership form can be downloaded from the link in the menu on this page. The cost is £15 for new bowlers and £5 for replacement cards. Kye can be contacted on mccgbaregistrar@gmail.com



Important Dates:


Latest information:


Mon 8th Jul

We are saddened to hear of the passing of Mike Halsey who has been a regular around the greens for many years.

Mike's funeral service is to take place on Tuesday 16th July (9.30am) at Landican Centre Chapel.
Afterwards, there is to be a wake at Tixall where the family have invited all who wish to attend.
Our condolences go to Mike's family, friends and bowling colleagues at this sad time.
Wed 3rd Jul

Sansom Cup Final

Congratulations to the Lever Club on winning the Sansom Cup for the second year running.

After the first 4 jacks Manor Road held the upper hand and were leading by 20 shots. The Lever Club then began to chip away at the lead and won 5 of the next 6 jacks to finish as winners by 19 shots.


Sat 29th Jun

Wirral Veterans Handicap

Congratulations to Brian Somerville on winning this year's Wirral Veterans Handicap which was held recently at Tixall Bowling Club.


Fri 28th Jun


The Final of the Sansom Cup between Manor Road and Lever Club will be held on Saturday 29th June at Oxton Conservative Club with 2pm start.

Come along to what should be a great Final.


Sat 15th Jun


Details of the Finalists for the Sansom Cup, Stott Cup and Graham White Cup can be found on the 2024 Competition Results tab on this page.

The Handicaps will be decided at a Management Committee meeting and the website will be updated accordingly.



Mon 3rd Jun

Hurrell Cup

The competition was played on an excellent Heswall RBL green and, after some great bowling, the winner was Robbie Fitzpatrick seen here receiving the trophy from John Crowther the Association's President.



Sun 21st Apr

Hurrell Cup

This One Day competition will be held on Saturday 25th May at Heswall RBL with 11am scratch. Get your entries in now. You should find an entry form on your Club noticeboard or ask your Secretary.

This competition is open to all Wirral Association registered players.


Sun 21st Apr

The last 8 for the Wirral Charity Handicap was held yesterday on an excellent Upton Victory Hall green and was won by Joe Edwards from the Lever Club. In the Final Wayne McDermott led by 16-7 after 16 ends however Joe started his fight back at this point and won 11 of the next 13 ends to win the game 21-20. All the results can be seen by selecting the 2024 competition results tab in the menu.


Tue 9th Apr

The Cup draws for the preliminary rounds of the Doctor Dawson Victory Cup, Sansom Cup and Stott Cup are now available on the Competitions tab in the Menu.


Sat 13th Jan

Sad news from Bromborough Pool

Unfortunately I have to inform you that Dave Dobson our one time treasurer,secretary and team mate sadly passed away on Saturday the 6th January. Our thoughts are with Teresa and the family at this time. His funeral will be held at Blacon on Wednesday 31st January at 12.00hrs.


Tue 28th Nov 2023

Sad news received from Arno Tixall

Sad to report that Peter Breen passed away recently. Not had too much information from the family but the funeral is Wednesday 6th December at 3pm at Landican for anybody who wishes to attend. 
We send our condolences to Peter's family and friends.
Sat 4th Nov 2023

It is sad to report that a long time member of Bromborough Recs Bowling Club, Gordon Chalton, passed away yesterday.


Our condolences go to Peter's family and friends at this sad time.


Tue 30th Nov 2021

Sad news from Oxton Conservative Club.

Nicky Bolton has sadly passed away and his funeral will be on Wednesday 1st December in the South Chapel at Lndican at 12.30pm

Our thoughts go to Nicky's family and friends at this sad time


Thu 11th Nov 2021

Sad news from Heswall RBL

The Funeral for John Allenby will be held on Thursday 2nd December at 1pm at Landican then back to Heswall RBL