Warwick & Worcester Bowling League 2025

Chaiman Secretary Treasurer
 Chris Lambert Colin Pollard  Jan Pratley

Sat 5th Apr 40 Matches
Sat 12th Apr 40 Matches




Postponed Matches Key Points:


If you need to postpone a B team match, this needs to be done no later than Monday of the week of the game

Send an Email to the club secretary of the team you wish to postpone the game against and include fixture.secretary@wwcba.com

The date the match needs to be played by is 29 days after the original date.

A team matches cannot be postponed.


Player Registrations:


For all NEW player registrations, please acquire a form from bcgbacards@wwcba.com, complete this and send it back

For any other W&W player registrations, please send them to fixture.secretary@wwcba.com 


Important Dates:


Latest information: