North Midlands Ladies Bowling League 2024

Chaiman Secretary Treasurer
 Gina Newby  Kate Williams  Pat Moore
 07947 612968  07940 268822

 07837 454718


Welcome to the North Midlands Ladies Bowling League


Important Dates:


Latest information:


Thu 12th Sep

Tickets on sale for the presentaction on 11th October.  Please get nimbers to me by 20th September and cash to follow.  £15pp at Newdigate club.  6.30pm start.  Food, fun and a fab live band.  Please also collect £2's to put in the big cash draw and half goes to our chosen charity which is age concern and we are purchasing "winter warm packs" for the elderly. 

Thu 12th Sep

Summer bash was an amazing success with Sarah Gambke and Matt Gibbon winning with the last wood on the last end.  86 entries in which was higher before some last minute clashes.  Here is the youtube link to a great day....

Thu 27th Jun

Summer Bash 2024 entries are being finalised - we have a large number of entries already and will be cloiosing entries off on 5th July.  Contact Kate Williams if you wish to enter.


Wed 3rd Apr

Division 2 Update - unfortunately 2 teams have withdrawn from the league with very late notice.  This has resulted in Division 2 dropping to 6 teams for this season.  This will change next year as the leagues will be evened out before fixtures are created.

Thu 1st Feb


Great news Attleborough C have stayed in the league.

Bank holidays are avoided and this should help both Divisions with any rearranging required.  Division 2 starts later due to having 8 teams compared to 9 in Division 1 who have a Bye as it is an odd number.  

Please ensure you send changes to players and captains details by email to by end of Feb.

Sun 14th Jan

North midlands ladies bowls… there are 4 notices of motion to vote on at our AGM on the 23rd January.

Please consult with your teams so delegates make an informed vote.

1.  To make the start time 7pm.

2. Players should be registered as a club not team - so any player registered can play for any team in only 1 fixture on the same date (original fixture date if game is rearranged).  On the back of this any player can only play against the same team and venue once per season.  This should prevent less rearranged games as teams can use any available player. 


3. Rule changes regarding cancelling/rearranging games – the League should be guided by the Coventry & District Rules – the following is an extract from their Rules.

F. Scheduling

Postponing Matches


a. All matches must be played on or before the date in the handbook. The exceptions being if the green is unplayable or through exceptional circumstances with full agreement from the League Management Committee. In the event of postponement or adjournment, notice of such must be sent by the team responsible for calling off the match to the Match Secretary. Infringement of this beyond three days will result in a fine of £5.00.

b. If postponement of all or any part of a match is necessary due to green being unplayable, teams must agree and must complete the fixture within 28 days of the original date.

c. Any Match cancelled during the last four weeks of the season must be played within seven days of the end of the season.


a. Should fixtures not be played as scheduled within the handbook then the NON-OFFENDING Team must send in a match sheet to the Match Secretary explaining why the match has not been completed.

b. The non-offending Team will then be awarded appropriate points by The League Committee and their players given scores of 21-11 at home and 21-15 away.

c. A re-occurrence in the same season may result in a Team being expelled from the League.


4 - Number of players to go from 7 to 6