North Midlands Ladies Bowling League 2025

Chaiman Secretary Treasurer
 Gina Newby Nikki Owen  Pat Moore
 07947 612968 07305510565 -

 07837 454718


Mon 28th Apr 6 Matches
Mon 5th May 6 Matches

Welcome to the North Midlands Ladies Bowling League


Important Dates:


Latest information:


Thu 19th Feb 2026


Don't  forget the EGM at Griff and Coton on Thursday February 27th  at 7.30pm. A delegate from each club needs to attend. 






Tue 14th Jan

2024 AGM Notices of Motion

1 - Proposed by Griff 

To place cards in preferred order rather than shuffle 

Rationale - In line with Thursday League and prevent confusion

2 - Proposed by Kate Williams current Secretary

To allow male participants into teams - Option 1 -  maximum of two Option 2 - Fully Mixed league

Rationale - Team and player numbers are consistently declining, this will help to sustain the future of the Monday league and prevent it becomming just a one division league and potetnially save it from complete closure

3 - Proposed by Kate Williams current Secretary

If men are allowed to take part, suggest that team numbers rise back to 8 from 7.

Rationale - With additional players this strengthens the formation and allows the original set up of 8 players to be returned to, protecting current female players and encouraging more players on the green, creating a more competitive sturcture and allows for future reductions if required.

4 - Honoraium/Committee Structure

Combine secretary and competitions secretarial post for current secretary's honorarium or reduce secretary honorarium by 50% and recruit to competition secretary post.

Rationale - Current secretary honorarium is based on match fixtures/monitoring, 2 comps running and presentation organisation.  The new secretary should also be responsible for creating and running two competitions per year as a minimum and organisaing the annual presentation with the Nuneaton Ladies.  The league has held a vacant competition secretary post for 11 years, this could be created as a new post in which case secrtary honoraium should be halved.  The workload now required by match secretaries is far reduced from the times before MB Bowls implementation.  This will help protect the funds within the leagues balance sheet and allow for investment in competitions and presentations. Further competitions should also help to promote and develop the sport for the benefit of members new and old.


Mon 13th Jan

North Midlands Ladies AGM 23rd Jan 7.30pm venue @ Griff & Coton. Any Notice motions will be published on 16th January.
A reminder a new secretary is required.