Coventry Bowling League 2025

Tue 15th Apr 1 Match
Sat 19th Apr 15 Matches
Mon 21st Apr 1 Match


Welcome to the Coventry & District Bowling League


Important Dates:


Latest information:



Wed 12th Feb

Some of you may be aware that Len Peach has decided to no longer run the tuesday afternoon, Len Fulleylove has offered to run this League he will organise all fixtures & should be able to create this to display on this webpage once completed could all clubs send captain details to him via email to

Tue 4th Feb

Dear Secretary,


Please find attached the proposed League formation for the 2025 season, this is currently a draft and will be verified by all Clubs at the AGM on Monday 10th February.


Initially could I please ask all Clubs to review the formation and should you have any changes then please advise the committee ASAP - we are looking to ensure no teams will be withdrawn at this point.


Saturday league will start 19/04/2025 until 20/09/2025
The start date is Easter weekend so if clubs wish to they can switch the fixture to the 27/09/2025 - please ensure that this is put in writing to the Match Secretary.
No Saturday League games on the following dates:
  • 24/05/2025 big bowls weekend
  • 07/06/2025 county merits
  • 05/07/2025 Saturday merits
  • 26/07/2025 all England
  • 23/08/2025 bank holiday weekend
Mid-Week league fixtures start 23/04/2025 until 03/09/2025
No League games on the following dates
  • 11/06/2025 merits
  • 02/07/2025 free week catch up
Thursday league start 24/04/2025 until 04/09/2025
No League games on the following dates: 
  • 05/06/2025 merits
  • 03/07/2025 free week catch up
Sunday League Formation 2025
Sunday League formation is the most complicated as we have 21 teams currently entered this year, having 2 Leagues of 10 & 11 is difficult as that would mean Sunday Div 2 would start on 13th April until the 28th September - playing 20 fixtures:
If all teams remain in the Sunday formation then the League proposal would be to run 3 Leagues of 7 teams, this will however be discussed and agreed at the AGM.
No Sunday league games on the following dates:
  • 25/05/2025 big bowls weekend/Sunday pairs
  • 15/06/2025 Sunday merits
  • 24/08/2025 Bank holiday
Wed 29th Jan

Coming soon 2025 fixtures

Fri 3rd Nov 2023


Well with only a day to go before this years Annual Presentation Night at Newdigate Club, thought it would be good to advise you on the order of events:


  • We have sold out of tickets which is excellent.
  • We are unable to change or refund tickets now as food is ordered and seating plan completed.
  • Unfortunately we will be unable to entertain any one who wants to attend on the night due to numbers & the Clubs fire regulations.
  • Please bring your tickets with you.
  • Please try and arrive and be seated for around 7 p.m.
  • We are trying to commence the presentation as early as possible.
  • With around 60 Trophies and awards to present this will take a while.
  • We will be asking that every attendee is courteous throughout all the awards - its important each winner gets the same support from all attendees.
  • We have £250 worth of raffle prizes - so please bring CASH with you.
  • On arrival can you please make sure your Club members sit in the seats allocated - with the room full there is no space to be moving things around.
  • We hope to complete the presentation by 8.30 pm latest
  • This will be followed by the Buffet - Clubs will be asked to collect food by table.
  • Following Buffet we will have the Raffle draw followed by Disco
  • Bar will close at 11.30 pm.

I am sure this will be a fantastic night and a celebration of the Bowling successes throughout 2023