Please note any queries contact Malcolm Woodyatt 07984884092 happy to help.
Tue 25th Feb 2025
It is with sadness that I have to inform you of the death of Ted Platz on 23rd February. Ted was well respected and was a top crown green bowler. He was greenkeeper at Littleton for over 20years. He played for many clubs, Littleton,Chase Terrace,Heath Hayes and Hatherton amongst them. Ted will be sadly missed.
Mon 2nd DecThank you to everyone who participated in the raffle. We raised £300,£150 for Acorns Childrens Trust and £150 for Cannock Hatherton Bowling Club Development Fund.. The lucky winner was Dave Taylor.
Fri 22nd NovYesterdays postponed winter bowling on the hockey pitch,will go ahead next Thursday 28th Nov. Same time,same place. Let's hope for fine weather.
Wed 20th NovThursdays final match 21/11/24 has been cancelled. I must consider the bowlers welfare as paramount, there will be ice overnight and temperatures aren't going above freezing until early afternoon. Hopefully we will play the final autumn match next Thursday 28th November.
Fri 4th OctThank you to all bowlers who turned up for our initial Thursday session, I hope you enjoyed it, the fine weather helped. If you have any concerns please contact me. If you are short of players anytime, please let Judy or myself know and we can try and find a spare person. Failing that, you can play another person from another team, who has played that day, but not from your own team.
Sun 14th JulWinter bowling at Cannock Hatherton 2024-25
We hope to hold the winter bowling as last year,but are also possibly looking to add another day,Thursdays,to give more teams a chance to take part.
Venue: Cannock Hatherton bowling club WS11 1RR
Dates: Tuesday and Thursday 1pm until 3.30pm
Late Sept to Mid November, Mid February to Mid March. 14 games in total.
Teams : 8 players .4 on the green at a time.
Cost : £16 per game i.e. £2 per player
If you would like to enter a team please email me with the following.:-
Team name, contact name,email address and preferred day (Tue, Thu or both
Applications by the end of August please .