President | Chairman | Treasurer |
Dave Williams |
Graham Holyoak |
Stuart Hickson |
Secretary/Safeguarding Officer | Safeguarding Officer | Competitions |
Helen Skidmore | Julie Wigley | Dave Christopher | | | |
Tel - 07864370477 | Tel - 07969 407984 | Tel - 07956 561990 |
The Committee
Wed 12th Feb
Referee's Course
The County are running a Referee's Course over two evenings in March at Fieldhouse (nee Alstom), Stafford.
You don't need to go on to be a Referee but it is a good way to get a better understanding of the rules.
If anyone is interested let me know and I'll get the details.
Sat 25th Jan
Cannock Bowls League AGM - Thursday 13th March 2025 7.30pm at Heath Hayes Cons
The following e-mail has gone out this morning to all 2024 team contacts and the contacts for the clubs requesting to put teams into the league.
If you haven't received it and you are a contact for your team/club then please let me know by e-mail to be included in future e-mails.
The Agenda will be added to the website a couple of weeks before the meeting date.
You have been sent this e-mail as a named contact for a team in the league during the 2024 season. Contact details will be checked at the AGM but if your teams/clubs have changed then please let me know who your contact(s) should now be.
The AGM for Cannock Bowls League will be held at Heath Hayes Cons Club on Thursday 13th March 2025 at 7.30.
A representative from each club needs to attend the AGM.
If you have any items that you want added to the agenda please let me have them by Thursday 6th February.
If unfortunately your team has to withdraw from the league please confirm this by email at least 14 days before the AGM date, so by the end of February.
If you wish to submit another team to the league again please notify the secretary by the end of February, giving e-mail details for the new captain/contact.
We are still trying to track down a number of trophies which have got lost over the years. Please check with your team mates and clubs and bring any trophies that you have to the AGM.
The Agenda for the AGM will be issued a couple of weeks before the meeting.
Sun 3rd Dec 2023
Message from Lichfield Road BC regarding Claude Tomlinson
Following received from Mel, Rushall Labour Club
It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that Lloyd Davies (Rushall Labour BC) passed away on the 2nd November following a very short battle with Cancer. His funeral is on Tuesday 28th November 2023 at 3pm at Mercia Forest Crematorium (WV11 2RJ) and afterwards at Rushall Labour Club. Anyone who would like to pay their respects is very welcome to the Funeral and Wake afterwards.
Wed 14th Dec 2022
Mick Shaw, Hammerwich Bowling Club
Message from Bill White, Secretary, Hammerwich Bowling Club
“Regretfully, Mick Shaw passed away recently. He had been a member of Hammerwich Bowling Club for many years and was well known to members of other bowling clubs. He will be sadly missed by many people.”
Sun 6th Nov 2022
e-mail sent out today
This e-mail is going out to the 2022 contacts I have for each team in the league. Please forward to the appropriate person if you are no longer your teams contact.
Our aim is to have the League AGM mid March, which means I need to send out the AGM paperwork to all teams by mid February. I will confirm the date as soon as I can.
As before we will only have one meeting, and will ask that subs are paid at this meeting. Season dates will be agreed at the AGM and the fixtures will then be finalised and published by early April.
Therefore there is a cut off date for agenda items of Sunday 29th January, please send these to me -
If over the winter you have a change in contact for either your team captain or club secretary can you let me know so that I send out the information to the correct person. AGM paperwork will only be sent out by e-mail so if any individual doesn't have e-mail can they nominate someone who does to receive it please.
If any club is thinking of entering another team or is unfortunately going to be leaving the league please let me know asap.
Sat 5th Dec 2020
I have been asked to pass on the news that Ron Neville of Hazelwood and Chase Terrace BC passed away last Monday.
On behalf of the committee and the league I would like to pass on our sympathy to his family and friends.
Sat 16th Nov 2019