Chaiman | Secretary | Treasurer | Co-Ordinator |
Ray Barnes | Louise Roberts | Liz Barnes | Kevin Nugent |
01978 291045 |
O7921705018 |
01978 291045 | 07867 973435 | | | |
Wed 15th Jan 2025
The recent postponed fixtures have been rearranged and confirmed (bar one). Captains have been informed, the website has been updated and a new fixture list will be displayed in the clubhouse from tonight.
Tue 14th Jan 2025
The green is now open, the Winter League matches are back on from tonight, Tues 14th Jan.
Mon 13th Jan 2025
Green closed until Tuesday 14th January 1.00pm but we have confidence the matches will be on this week
The green has started to thaw where the sun gets on it but is still frozen in front of the clubhouse. Until this improves, the green remains closed until lunchtime on Tues 14th Jan when Ray will inspect it again. He's fairly confident however that with the warmer temperatures it'll thaw out in time for Tuesday night's matches. I'll update again on Tues.
Sun 12th Jan 2025
Green closed until Monday 13th January, 1.00pm at the earliest
The green is still frozen solid and until Ray inspects it on Monday at 1.00pm and provides a further update, it remains closed so please don't go on it. We hope that with the forecast warmer weather coming in it will thaw out in time for all the matches to be on this week.
Thu 9th Jan 2025
Matches for Thurs 9th January postponed
The green is frozen solid and icy and is unlikely to thaw by tonight which means both matches are called off. The captains have been informed.
Wed 8th Jan 2025
Matches for Weds 8th January postponed but Thurs 9th January are going ahead
The green is still playable and surrounding roads are fine, however both matches tonight 8th Jan are postponed. Celts v Bersham is due to illness in the Bersham team and Ice Dragons v Rhosddu is due to reluctance of some Ice Dragons players to travel a distance in this weather.
The matches for Thurs 9th January are still scheduled to go ahead unless the weather changes dramatically, in which case team captains will be informed.
Tue 7th Jan 2025
Matches for Tues 7th January are going ahead
We know there's snow elsewhere but Ray has been to the green this morning and it's fine, all roads round Bradley are OK so the matches are on tonight.
Mon 28th Oct
To prevent any disputes we want to clarify what should happen when the match that starts with 3 jacks passes a jack to the match that starts with only 2.
Rule 6 (see link to Rules in the Home Page menu) reads:
If your match starts with 3 Jacks you must pass the Jack from the first singles game that finishes to the other match, to be used for a singles game. Each match will then keep hold of their own Jacks.