Minutes of the AGM of the North Wales Veterans Inter-League held at Frith IBC on Wednesday November 13th at 11.a.m.

Present. Meryn Jones, John Cooper, and Geraint Roberts (Clwydians), Colin Smith, and Archie Lamb (Deeside), Alan Dugdale (Gwynedd), Peter Lacey and Dewi Jones (Wrexham) and Lesley Williams (Chair/Secretary/Treasurer). (Contact details held separately)

The Chair/Secretary/Treasurer distributed last meeting’s Minutes, an Agenda and Balance sheet and then welcomed everyone. She asked the Meeting if Geraint Roberts could Chair the meeting, and this was agreed unanimously.

There were no Apologies for Absence as each area was represented. 

The Minutes of the Previous Meeting (2019) were read and approved.

Matters Arising. 1. Following a discussion, a proposal by Dewi Jones, seconded by Meryn Jones to use a green only once was carried unanimously.

2. It was agreed that a player must have played ONE League game in order to be eligible for selection into this tournament and the date of that game must be before the match for which the player is selected.

3. Wrexham have sent off the Aerospace Cup to be engraved for the last two seasons and will forward the bill to the Treasurer as agreed at the previous meeting.

4. Meryn Jones asked about the website and if it could be rejuvenated. It was agreed that the Secretary should contact Glyn Lockett who runs the website, formally thank him for his support, expertise and help over the years and ask him to provide each Area with a password so that results can be entered by a representative of each home area.

There was no Correspondence


The Financial Report was accepted. There is currently £72.60 as only the affiliation fee of £32.50 to the Welsh CGBA was paid last year. All four areas paid the Treasurer £20 each at the last A.G.M.

Following a discussion about Insurance and Public Liability, Geraint Roberts proposed that the issue of insurance as a whole should be clarified. It was agreed that the Secretary should ask the Welsh CEO Trefor Clarke and also possibly Endsleigh to determine the breakdown of Insurance costs and cover which pertain to this particular tournament. The Secretary agreed to do this and report back

The Draw for 2022. Each game will be played on the first Monday of June, July, and August

Game 1.To be played on Monday June 6th Deeside v Clwyd and Wrexham v Gwynedd

Game 2.To be played on Monday July 4th   Clwyd v Gwynedd and Wrexham v Deeside

Game 3.To be played on Monday August 1st Wrexham v Clwyd and Deeside v Gwynedd

Any Other Business 1. Geraint Roberts asked if the refreshments could be standardised and, following a discussion it was proposed by Dewi Jones and seconded by Colin Smith that tea/coffee with cake and biscuits would be offered to the players. It was also agreed that a statement to this effect would be put on the programme.

2. Meryn Jones asked about the possibility of reducing the teams from 12 players to 10 but his proposal was not seconded.

3. Meryn Jones also wanted the tournament to be given a higher profile by publicising the games in order to attract spectators. It was agreed that it is more difficult to do this in a scattered area such as Clwyd.

4. Alan Dugdale thanked the Secretary for her work over the years and announced that he was retiring as the Gwynedd representative. At Gwynedd’s A.G.M. two new representatives will be appointed, and he will inform the Secretary of their contact details as soon as possible.


The date of the next Meeting was agreed to be Wednesday, November 23, 2022 (the third Wednesday in November).

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 12 45 p.m.