Wrexham & District Short Mat Bowling Associaton 2024/25

Chairman Secretary Treasurer
 Peter Kempster Francis Brady  Moira Griffiths
peter@jkes.co.uk  fpsdbrady@gmail.com  moigriffiths58@outlook.com   

All 2024/25 League results have been entered

Welcome to the Wrexham & District Short Mat Bowls Website

2024/25 Season


Important Dates:


Latest information:


Sun 9th Mar 2025


                                   2025 Open Pairs Competition Report.

What a day we had at the 2025 open pairs comp in Ruabon. The Ruabon venue is proving
to be a very good move. The event attracted entry of 20 pairs the biggest since playing in
Plas Madoc back in the day. We had entries from 4 counties, Cheshire, Montgomery,
Gwynedd and of course Wrexham.
The bowling was excellent and enjoyed by all. Four groups the winners of each group going
on to be semi-finalists. Our very own Steve Jones and Francis Brady playing Maurice and
Alan from Gwynedd, a hard-fought battle with Steve and Francis the victors winning 8-6 and
making the final. The second semi played by Steve and Ryan Marks from Cheshire and
Danny and Dianne from Gwynedd again saw some tremendous bowling with Steve and
Ryan winning 10-2 our second finalists.
The Final was very exciting with Steve and Fracis storming a head then Ryan and Steve
making a comeback, a very tough game played in good spirit, again the standard of bowling
was excellent. Congratulations to Steve and Francis the victors winning 9-7
Thank you to all who donate prizes and bought raffle tickets all the proceeds will be donated
to the Alzheimer’s society a cause very close to several bowlers hearts in the Wrexham

Julie Kempster

Fri 7th Mar 2025
Hello All,
The end of the Indoor season is upon us.
Johnstown Friday League Bowlers end of season Presentations together.
This year in a bid to reduce costs for all, it has been agreed with the W&DSMBA to holding the Tuesday W&DSMBA and the Johnstown Friday League Bowlers end of season
Presentations together.
The presentations will be held at Johnstown Royal British Legion 11 Maelor Road, Johnstown, LL14 1NB on Tueday 18th March 2025 at 1pm.
Directions:-Travelling form Wrexham along A483 turn of at Junction 3, take 3rd exit off roundabout heading toward Johnstown on the Wrexham road.At traffic lights
turn right (the New Inn pub is directly on your right) this is Mealor road which becomes Gutter hill.
The legion is only 1 minute from the traffic lights, it's on the right just after Victoria road which is also on the right.
You will not see it from the road as its in a dip.
Their car park has limited spaces approx. 25 cars so I would advise to travel together if you can.
We have tried to keep costs as low as possible, we will be having a buffet provided by Cafe Rayos, Ruabon.
For those of you who attended last year you will remember the food they provided was excellent.
The price will be £7 per person, tea/coffee will be available free of charge, just help yourself.
The bar will be open for anyone who wants a drink (obviously not f.o.c.)
We will be holding a raffle to help offset costs, any raffle prizes that you can donate would be very much appreciated, I was amazed last year how generous you all were, thankyou, I have already received some, thank you.
Any monies left over will be donated to the W&DSMA and Johnstown Friday Bowls.
We had a great turn out last year enjoyed by all and it would be nice to see you all together again celebrating a very good season of bowling where the standard has been high.
You can pay by Bank transfer to Johnstown Bowling Club Sort code 40-38-14 Account No 91085433 and please reference it with your name, alternatively payment can be made on the day in cash
Most importantly please let me know ASAP of your intention to attend, I have already had 30 plus names for the Friday bowls but would ask as the date has changed to let me known if you can make the 18th March.
Can I ask that you advise me by email and not just verbally.
I do not have everyone's contact details so can the Captains please inform all their players.
I hope I have covered everything please advise me if I haven't and if you have any questions then get in touch.
Remember names ASAP, Please.
Peter Kempster (Admin)
pp. Peter Taylor
You can pay by Bank transfer to Johnstown Bowling Club Sort code 40-38-14 Account No 91085433 and please reference it with your name, alternatively payment can be made on the day in cash.
Most importantly please let me know ASAP of your intention to attend, I have already had 30 plus names for the Friday bowls but would ask as the date has changed to let me known if you can make the 18th March.
Can I ask that you advise me by email and not just verbally.
I do not have everyone's contact details so can the Captains please inform all their players.
I hope I have covered everything please advise me if I haven't and if you have any questions then get in touch.
Remember names ASAP, Please, Please.
Peter Taylor

Sun 23rd Feb 2025



Just a notice to everyone that uses Gresford Centre for Short Mat bowling or other activities,

that the final date to play at Gresford will be Wednesday 5th March 2025.

Thanks you
Peter Kempster
pp Francis Brady
Thu 13th Feb 2025

Good afternoon all,

We will be holding an open pairs competition at Ruabon school (post code LL14 6BT) on Saturday afternoon the 8th March 2025

@12.30pm entrance fee £17.00 per pair.

If you want to enter, then please send your entries to Julie Kempster (email julie.kempster@outlook.com) or Moira Griffiths moigriffiths58@outlook.com

The closing date for entries is Tuesday 4th March.

Thank you

Peter Kempster (Admin)

pp Julie Kempster

     Moira Griffiths



Sun 2nd Feb 2025

                           VIC JONES MEMORIAL MIXED DRAWN PAIRS

                                           sponsored by Roy Bebbington

Today the Vic Jones memorial mixed drawn pairs was held at Johnstown Community centre,

with a fantastic turnout of 16 pairs.

There was a lot of good bowling throughout the day, and in the final

Celia Watkins & Steve Wilson beat Pauline Wilson & Ian Griffiths.


I would like to thank the following people:-

Roy Bebbington for sponsoring the event.

Moira, Julie. Steve, Umpires, Markers, Johnstown BC.

Without these people this very important event would not have been possible. 

Thank you all

Peter Kempster Admin




Sat 1st Feb 2025

 Hello everyone,

It is with deep regret that the practice / coaching session that was due to take place at Johnstown Community centre

on Sunday 16th February 2025, has unfortunately had to be posponed due to lack of interest.


Peter Kempster Admin

p,p Peter Taylor

Wed 15th Jan 2025

 Good Morning Everyone

For all the players that have participated in the trials for Llandrindod and indeed anyone
who would like to be involved in this next season.
There will be a practice/coaching session at Johnstown Community Centre on Sunday
16 th February 11am until approximately 2:30/3pm.
Dependent on numbers it will be £2:50 per person including refreshments.
Can you please let Moira know ASAP

Thank you


Peter K (Chairman / Admin)

Thu 2nd Jan 2025


Firstly Happy New year to all our members from the officers of Wrexham and District Short Mat Bowling Association..

Seconly, It is with great saddnes that I have been informed by Higher Kinnerton Bowling Club, 

that they announce the death of Roy Griffiths. 

Roy's funeral was held on the 20th December 2024,

He will be greatly missed by family, friends, and Higher Kinnerton bowling club.


Peter Kempster

Chairman / Admin


Sun 15th Dec

The draw for the National finals was taken place today at the WSMBA executive meeting in llandrindod wells.

As Gwynedd have entered 2 teams in the rinks and 3 in the pairs,triples and rinks some counties have been placed as reserves in each of the disciplines.



Wed 20th Nov
                                                            Message from Gresford Village Hall
For those who use the Gresford Village Hall ( this does not include the Tuesday afternoon Bowling League)
The  last day of play is WEDNESDAY 18th December at 1p.m.
Re- open for play on WEDNESDAY  8th January 2025.
Thank you
Peter Kempster Admin
p.p. Francis Brady
Tue 19th Nov


Hello Everyone, after a couple of problems over the last two weeks, I thought that i`d display the emergency 5 player format, to try and make it easier for you all to see and digest.


Peter K



The format for playing with 5 players looks complicated but is relatively easy to
Choose which players you need to have in groups A and B (just two in each). These
two groups will play their three group games as normal
The fifth player will be a single player in group C

The first two games will be from the A and B groups and should be played as
If the team with only five players are the home team then for the first C group game
the opposing captain should choose one player from the home team B group.
So the C group for the second session of games will be BILL and let’s say HARRY.
For the second C group game, the opposing captain should then choose a player
from the home A group, let’s say BILL and TOM
For the third C group game, the away captain can then choose one of the A or B
group players that hasn’t been chosen previously, so let’s say BILL and DICK or
This means that some of the A and B team players will have played an extra game
than normal.
If the team with only five players are the away team then the format is slightly
different. It just means that the first C group game will have an A group player, etc.
It looks complicated but if you write the names down and work on the above format,
you’ll see it works well.
SEASON . . .

Tue 5th Nov

                                                                                          IMPORTANT MESSAGE

Wed 30th Oct


                                     MESSAGE FROM GRESFORD




Please Note on the 6th November 2024 the normal practice is CANCELLED for that week only.


It has been booked for a league game


 Francis Secretary



Wed 30th Oct


                                 IMPORTANT NOTICE

We need to make teams aware that any games that have to be rearranged for
whatever reason, must be played on the designated date, i.e., Tuesday 10 th December
(pre Xmas) and Tuesday 11 th March (end of season).
It's unfortunate if a team has two cancellations within the same “season’s schedule”.
The home team should make the arrangement which should be acceptable to the
visiting team. If teams prefer to reverse the game then as long as it doesn’t make too
much of a financial burden on the home team then it’s ok to go ahead.
Games should only be rearranged for legitimate reasons and NOT as a tactical
There will be a rearranged match played at Gresford next Wednesday afternoon, and it
must be stressed that this is a one off event only. No other rearranged games will be played at Gresford after this.


Peter K (Admin)


Wed 23rd Oct


                                                                         PROPOSED NEW MONDAY NIGHT LEAGUE


Hello everyone, as you all know, we are starting a new bowling league on a Monday night,

with a format comprising of 3 singles and i Triples played over 8 ends.

Currently, we have 4 teams who have commited to play, but we could do with another 2 teams to make it up to 6 teams, and to make this league a success.

If you would like to enter a team, then please call Julie on 07939078493 or any league official.

Please remember that this league is being played at Ruabon Sports centre, which is located next to Ruabon High School, and is a marvelous place to olay short mat bowls.



Peter Kempster Admin

pp Julie Kempster












Mon 14th Oct

                                                             NEW MONDAY LEAGUE


Next Monday 21st October 2024, there will be a practice session starting at 7.15pm, with the 

league starting the following week....28th October 2024.


Venue:.................Ruabon Sports Centre (situated at Ruabon school)


Team Format:......Minimum of 4 players


Fees:....................£20 team registration fee, £10 per team per match.


Mat Handling:.......All teams are responsible for, putting out and putting away the mats

                              that they are playing on.


Prize Money:........£120 payable to the winning team....In the event of a draw,

                               all monies will be split.


League Format:....3 Singles and 1 Triple, played over 8 ends.


Markers:...............All markers required duties, to be carried out as per the WSMBA Handbook.


Measuring:............Measuring to be carried out by qualified umpires or markers.


Regards Peter Kempster ( Admin)


pp Julie Kempster




Sun 29th Sep






Hello all, just a reminder of our OPEN Triples Competition to be held at Ruabon Sports Centre on Saturday 19th October 2024, this should be a 

fantastic day out in our new venue, which is showing a lot of interest from other Counties.

So if you want to enter, then please email Julie Kempster on julie@jkes.co.uk , myself or Moira.

More details to follow.


Peter Kempster



Fri 20th Sep
Hi all,
I'm just emailing you to make sure that your players names are entered onto your team list asap.
Even though you have sent us their names, you are responsible for adding them to the team sheet.
We'll be checking the details.
Thank you
Fri 20th Sep

                                                                                    GRESFORD COMMUNITY CENTRE


Hello all,

Just to advise you that Gresford Community Centre will re-open at 1,00pm on Wednesday 25th September 2024.



Peter Kempster


Fri 20th Sep

                                                                          2024 AGM


Due to unforseen circumstances, the 2024 AGM meeting which was due to be held at Johnstown 0n Monday 23rd September 2024,

has now had to be cancelled, and will now be held a week later on Monday 30th September @ 2.00pm.

The Executive Officers are extremly sorry for any inconvenience caused.


King regards

Peter Kempster 


Thu 12th Sep

Dear All,

We have booked Ruabon Centre on Sunday29th September 2024 at 12.45 pm until 14.45pm.

This was requested by Moira, as she has been contacted by a number of bowlers who have been asking for a 

practice/coaching session.

If anyone is interested please let Moira know A.S.A.P

This is the ideal opportunity to brush up or learn new skills.

Please make every effort to attend this session.

Thank you

Peter Kempster


Tue 10th Sep


Dear All,

I have some lovely news to pass on to you all, Moira Griffiths from Trevor has been selected to play

for the Welsh Ladies team in the British Isles Championships at Carmarthen in October.

Moira had to attend two weekends of trails in Carmarthen prior to her selection to play in the team.

I`m sure you will join me in congratulating Moira on her achievement, and wish her all the best in the competition.


Peter Kempster 

Chairman / Admin


Wed 21st Aug

                                                              IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ALL CLUBS


Dear Captains,

As you all have had reminders regarding giving information as to whether you are entering a team into the league for the forthcoming season, there are a few that still need too contact us, though we have recieved information from a few clubs.

I realise that a lot of you are playing Crown green bowls at the moment and are not thinking of the new short mat season at all, but i need all names and teams as soon as possible, or at the very latest before the end August 2024.

This information is important as without it i cannot set up the website for the forthcoming season.

Please send your details to Francis, Moira or Myself



Peter Kempster {Admin}

Fri 26th Jul


Good morning all,

As some of you will have heard, Peter Taylor from Johnstown BC is arranging a pre - season triples competition at Johnstown community centre, on Sunday 6th October 2024 9,30am for a 10.00 am start , entry fee £5.50p per player,

So if anybody wants to enter a team please contact Peter Taylor.




Peter Kempster

Admin / Chairman



Thu 14th Mar
Afternoon all,
Peter Taylor from Jojnstown BC, has now given the final arrangements and cost for the end of season presentation.
the details are below for you to view.
The Presentation and end of season get together will be held at Johnstown Pavillion ( Bowling Green) on Tuesday 26 th March 1 pm.
The price will be £8 per person for a buffet including tea and coffee.
There will be a bar service available at very reasonable prices, there are some 00 beers available.
We have tried to keep costs down as low as possible, to help with this we will be having a raffle and would be very grateful if people would kindly donate a raffle prize.
The most important thing is to let myself Peter Taylor prtaylor@live.co.uk or any of the WSMBA committee know if you will be attending.
You can pay by Bank transfer to Johnstown Bowling Club Sort code 40-38-14 Account No 91085433 and please reference it with your name, alternately payment can be made on the day in cash, we do not have credit card facilities at Johnstown.



Peter Kempster


Wed 13th Mar
Good Afternoon,
Firstly I have to sent hugh congratulations to Peter Taylor and his Johnstown team, for winning the League title
last Tuesday afternoon.
They played well all season, well done to you all.
Peter Taylor has arranged the end of season presentation, it will be on Tuesday 26th March 1pm at the
Johnstown pavilion (where they play crown green bowls)
Peter needs to have feedback on numbers asap to work out buffet costs,
Last season Trevor charged £10 per head.
There will be a bar service, I am not sure as yet if they will charge for tea and coffee but I hope to iron out all this soon.
So as soon as you can could you please get in touch with your teams and let Peter Taylor know asap whether you want to attend,
you could alternately you can contact, Moira,Francis or myself with numbers.
Thank you all
Peter Kempster
Wed 6th Mar


 To all Wrexham County Ladies URGENT!!


I have received an email from the Welsh Ladies Team Manager asking if anyone from
Wrexham would like to attend trials in Llandrindod Wells on Sunday 12th May.
I must say that we have several ladies in this county who are on a par with those who
were chosen to play in the team last year and so for that reason I will ask you to think
seriously about this invitation.
If you are interested then please let me know and I will forward all names as soon as
For further information please contact me and I shall explain in more detail.

Thank you, Moira

Mon 19th Feb


                                               VENUE CHANGE


The County practice that was due to be held at Plas Madoc on Sunday 10th March 2024, will now take plce at Johnstown Centre at 10.00am.

All County team members are expected to attend. 

Thank you

Peter Kempster


Sun 18th Feb


Vic Jones Memorial Shield 18th February 2024


The competition at Johnstown was well attended with 10 pairs entering.
The pairings were nicely matched and all players enjoyed the day with some interesting partnerships
playing some excellent bowls. The two groups of five enjoyed four games each playing 10 ends per
The two group winners, Rhiannon & Malcolm and Cynthia & Steve, then played the final. It was
narrowly won by Rhiannon and Malcolm and after 10 ends the score was 10 all so a further end was
played for the final decision. A very close result indeed!
Thank you to Roy for sponsoring the event. The raffle raised £37 going towards the Wrexham & Dist
Winners medals were awarded to Rhiannon and Malcolm, along with the Shield, and runner’s up
medals were awarded to Cynthia and Steve.


Sun 11th Feb


                   Coaching/practice session

We will be holding a three hour session at Plas Madoc on Sunday 10 th March for players to come along
and practice that ‘elusive’ shot that they need to perfect!
We all need to have practice so don’t feel that anyone in particular is being targeted … this is for all of
I know it’s nearing the end of the season, but it’s something to get your head around before you put
your short mat bowls away and head outdoors.
Then at the start of next season we’ll arrange further coaching/practice sessions, ready to take us into
competition mode!
We would like everyone to attend and would like to ask for £3 per person towards the cost of the hall.


Sun 11th Feb


                      National Pairs at Plas Madoc 11th February 2024

The last national heat was played today, 11 th February, and although it was a poor attendance from
players there was some excellent bowling and those that did play seemed to enjoy themselves.
The qualifiers are: Francis and Mike, with Richie and Steve coming second, Moira and Peter third, then
Delia and Cynthia fourth. David will be stepping in to play with Mike in the final as Francis will be


Tue 6th Feb


Notification from Gresford Village hall


Please note that there will be no bowling at Gresford Centre after the league season has finished

on Tuesday 3rd March 2024.

It will resume bowling roundabout October 2024.


Peter Kempster

pp Francis Brady






Mon 5th Feb


County Weekend 3rd & 4th February 2024


Thank you to all the County team for taking the time out to support the county at LLandrindod Wells last weekend.

As I mentioned in my team address on the Saturday morning, we were up against top opposition but just go out relax and enjoy the game.

Unfortunately. there were a few players who in their opinion were playing with players who in their personal opinion were not good enough.

Normally we would be holding trial sessions a few weeks before the event, but unfortunately the way that events were running we simply ran out of time to hold any sessions.

I was disappointed by hearing that some players were criticising the performances of their own team members, this is not acceptable as it

causes friction throughout the team and must stop.

Picking the County team is not easy, especially for last weekend, we had 7 new inexperienced players taking part, and trying to fit them into a team and get a Skip and lead to match proved challenging, this was why certain players never had regular players in the team.

Every member of each team tried really hard and should not have felt or made to feel dissapointed with their performances.

Before the end of the season, we will be holding practice and training sessions, we would like all County team members to attend,

we must now move forward and get Wrexham SMBA fully functional again, it will take time but i`m sure that we can achieve this with a bit of serious work.


Peter Kempster

Team Manager

Sun 14th Jan


National Finals Weekend

The singles and fours finals at Llandrindod were attended by our Wrexham qualifiers.
The fours was an intense day of bowling and out of the twelve games played in the group stages only
three were won by Wrexham teams. Mike Seenan’s team won one game and Steve Jones’s team won
two games.
The other teams had some very hard games but played well.
With the singles games, our Wrexham players found the day hard as the majority of games were played
against Welsh squad players. We had no winners but we all tried hard and have agreed that it was a
learning experience.



Sun 10th Dec 2023


                                                 National singles report

There were ten entries in the singles and some excellent bowling all round.
The final for 1 st /2 nd position was won by Francis Brady who beat Steve Jones. The 3 rd /4 th play off was
very close but was won on the last end by Peter Taylor who beat John Jones.
Many thanks to Celia and Brian for turning up and for marking and measuring during the day.
Also many thanks to the players themselves for putting out (and putting away) the mats and
equipment. I couldn’t have done it without you.



Thu 7th Dec 2023


           Dates for your calendar – at Llandrindod Wells

Saturday13th January - National fours final (against the other Welsh counties)
Sunday  14th January. - National singles final (against the other Welsh counties)

Sunday 28th January. – Border Challenge Cup
(Up to 20 of our county team players in a ‘fours’ format against Shropshire, Herefordshire, Brecon
& Radnorshire and two teams from Montgomeryshire)

Saturday & Sunday 3rd & 4th February
County Team challenge against the other Welsh counties in a fours format (for this we require 20

Saturday 24th February – National Triples final (against the other Welsh counties)
Sunday 25th February – National Pairs final
(Against the other Welsh counties)


The following events are at Plas Madoc

Sunday 21st January – National Triples heat
Sunday 11th February – National Pairs heat


Tue 5th Dec 2023

                        BORDER COUNTIES CHALLENGE CUP


Hi all
On Sunday 28 th January at Llandrindod Wells, Wrexham & Dist Bowls Association will be taking part
in the Border Counties Challenge Cup against teams from Shropshire, Herefordshire, Brecon &
Radnor and two teams from Montgomeryshire.
We took part in this competition for the first time last year and it was very enjoyable and a fabulous
experience for those who had never competed against other counties.
We need to provide a team of 16 players (minimum) but are hoping to take more.
We have been told that we will get 5 games during the day so there is plenty of chance for everyone
to have a few games. The format is fours or rink games as they like to call them!
If you would like to be part of our county team on this occasion, then please speak to Peter
Kempster or Moira Griffiths. This is a wonderful chance to gain experience before we travel down to
Llandrindod wells on the following weekend for our national county games against the other Welsh


Sun 3rd Dec 2023


                                                                    National 4s Report


There were 6 teams entered in the heat at Plas Madoc and the results were very close during the
group games.
Although the games should have started at 9.45, it was actually nearer to 10 o’clock before we got
under way. The games consequently ran late but we managed to finish before 4 o’clock.
The winner team was skipped by Mike Seenan and the second placed team was skipped by Peter
Kempster. Steve Jones took third position and Geoff Haffenden’s team were fourth.
These four teams will now represent Wrexham at the National fours final at Llandrindod Wells on
Saturday 13 th January.

Well played everyone!


Fri 1st Dec 2023


Good Evening,

The National Triples Entry form is now on the website ready to download, it can be found in the drop

down list on the left hand side of the main page under the heading NATIONAL TRIPLES ENTRY FORM (1)

and NOT the link titled Triples Entry Form.

If anyone has any problems then please do not hesitate to contact me.


Kind Regards


Fri 1st Dec 2023


Good Evening,

The National Triples Entry form is now on the website ready to download, it can be found in the drop

down list on the left hand side of the main page under the heading NATIONAL TRIPLES ENTRY FORM (1)

and NOT under the link titled Triples Entry Form.

If anyone has any problems then please do not hesitate to contact me.


Kind Regards


Thu 30th Nov 2023



Hi all 

Final update for Sunday 3rd December. 

I require everyone to turn up between 9.30 and 9.45 as we need to start promptly at 9.45 (or as near as possible please!)  The mats need to be put in place too!  There will be seating along one side of the hall so once you’ve got your shoes changed, please make sure that bags are stored under the seats out of the way of players walking past. 

There are two groups of 3 so everyone gets a minimum of 2 games.  However, we will be having two extra mats out for the two teams (1 from each group) that will be sitting out each session, so that they can have a practice on the spare mats and get a feel for the number of ends, or even have a few ends against each other.  We will be playing 9 (nine) ends and this should take approx. 72 minutes per game. I’m hoping we can keep to schedule and don’t overrun each game or we won’t be having any breaks in between . . . 

The teams that sit out in each session should make good use of refreshment time, i.e. get your lunch when you can, and remember that food SHOULD NOT BE BROUGHT INTO THE PREMISES.  If you bring your own lunch, then you will have to go out to the car to eat it.  Food is available on the premises from 10.30am to 3.30pm, after which time the café upstairs will close. 

Once the group games are finished we will have a session whereby the two group winners play off against each other for the final first and second positions.  At the same time, the runner’s up from the two groups will play off for the final third and fourth positions, as we need four teams to represent Wrexham down at Llandrindod. 

I know I’ve said this before but I have a habit of repeating myself as I always get someone emailing/texting me to find out what is happening, even though I’ve tried to explain it in detail. 

Those who qualify can get county stickers for their bowls from me, if they haven’t got them already. 

Also, I need to know if there are any more entries for the singles heat at Plas Madoc on 10th

So far I have 16 entries, but I will bring a list with me so that players can confirm their intention to play and maybe others will enter if they haven’t already. 

Anyway, we can discuss this more on Sunday.   If I've missed anyone out please could you pass these details on to them for me please.

I look forward to seeing you all then. 



Thu 30th Nov 2023




Wed 29th Nov 2023


 Tuesday Afternoon League

To all Team Captains
You may have noticed that in the game between Trevor Ramblers & Isycoed Rollers on 28th November 2023, a Trevor Ramblers player had played in two different groups, because one of the team memers due to play was late arriving. 
I realise that this could happen when the Captain has set up the team and it all goes haywire, because a player doesn`t turn up until late. 
So can I please ask all Captains to make sure that all players are at the venue ready to play their game on time.
I realise that all clubs are very good, but sometimes ( like now) mistakes are made. 
We have let it go this time, because the game was lost by the fault pair.   
Penalty points may have to be applied if teams persist in doing this.
Peter Kempster
Wed 29th Nov 2023


                                                                    IMPORTANT NOTICE

 Foot faulting

There have been a few incidents lately of players not standing properly on the mats and foot faulting
during games.
Most times when this happens the player’s bowl usually has a positive impact when it gets into the head
and can alter the score quite dramatically.
Players should make sure their foot is TOTALLY on the mat (not over the end or side, not even by a
millimeter) and should be TOTALLY inside the delivery lines (again, not touching them at all!). Players
who step forward when bowling are usually the guilty ones as when they stand with their toe near the
front of the mat, it usually goes over the end as they step forward.
Team captains (or preferably an umpire if present) should call a fault and stop the bowl before it reaches
the head.
Any team members, sitting out can warn their team who are bowling at the time, so as to stop any faults
I know this might sound petty, but we play to the British Isles rules…
I didn’t make the rule, but I will make sure it is adhered to.



Wed 22nd Nov 2023


                                              CHRISTMAS DRINK AND QUIZ









Wed 22nd Nov 2023


                                                                   GRESFORD BOWLING       








pp Francis Brady     

Tue 21st Nov 2023


                                                         COUNTY TEAM 











Fri 10th Nov 2023

Good Morning All,

Our County team is in jeopody due to the fact that we have lost some players due to personal reasons.

We were unfortunately in this postion a few years ago, and we had to pull the team out of County competitions.

After a long struggle and hard work, we managed to ressurect the team and eveyone, including other Counties, were adsolutely delighted with what we had achieved.

So we are now looking for new players to join our team,I know that we have got some very good players

that are capable of playing in the team, so if anyone is interested could you please send your names to  myself or Moira as soon as possible, so that we can arrange a County trial as soon as possible.

Thank you All



Kind Regards

Peter Kempster

(County Selector)

Wed 8th Nov 2023


                               IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ALL  TEAM CAPTAINS


Good morning all,


Can all team captains please make sure that all their team details are correct.

During one of the matches played yesterday (7th November) a players name was entered twice for the same game.

Though i can accept that it could have been a mistake, i must stress that it can cause a real headache for admin and opposing captains to get it sorted.

It is the responsibility of the home captain to make sure that all names and scores are correct prior to posting.

Incidently, all captains can alter the names and scores in their relevent games for up to 24 hrs after the match (just as in outdoors) after which time you would have to contactact myself.

If anyone has any problems etc,regarding the website please do not hesitate to contact me.



Peter Kempster











Tue 7th Nov 2023


Open Competitions

Hi All,

Here are the reports from the two recent open competitions held at Johnstown. . .
Last week’s triples competition had a few upsets and I can only apologise for my part in those
Julie and Peter ran the competition on my behalf and had a headache from the start. However I
believe everyone enjoyed their games, even though they overran.
Well done to the winners, Anthea, Peter and Mike and to the runner’s up Geoff, Doug and Roy.

The Open pairs was very well attended with five teams of players from further afield.
The games were played well and the final was a bit of a cliff-hanger. Well done to Chris and Carys
from Montgomery who managed to pull it out of the hat, beating Andy and Freda on the very last
end. A truly outstanding performance from all concerned.
